Showing 101 - 125 of 196 Results
Running a Thousand Miles for Freedom by Craft, William, Craft, Elle... ISBN: 9781544773377 List Price: $5.38
Running a Thousand Miles for Freedom by Craft, Ellen and William, E... ISBN: 9781544908229 List Price: $7.99
Running a Thousand Miles for Freedom by William Craft, Ellen Craft ISBN: 9781365768194 List Price: $21.94
Crafting a Symphony in Wood by Ostring, Elizabeth Ellen, E... ISBN: 9781532603433 List Price: $49.00
Crafting a Symphony in Wood: The Story of Violin Maker Anton Sie by Ostring, Elizabeth Ellen, E... ISBN: 9781532603419 List Price: $29.00
Running a Thousand Miles for Freedom by Craft, Ellen, Craft, William ISBN: 9781542800426 List Price: $6.99
Running a Thousand Miles for Freedom: or, the Escape of William and Ellen Craft from Slavery by Craft, Ellen, Craft, Willia... ISBN: 9781543206654 List Price: $7.98
Running a Thousand Miles for Freedom - Scholar's Choice Edition by William Craft, Ellen Craft ISBN: 9781297053863 List Price: $17.75
Byrdcliffe : An American Arts and Crafts Colony by Green, Nancy E., Green, Nan... ISBN: 9781934260265
Running a Thousand Miles for Freedom : The Escape of William and Ellen Craft by Craft, William ISBN: 9781496087270 List Price: $5.49
Running a Thousand Miles for Freedom; Or, the Escape of William and Ellen Craft From Slavery by Craft, William, William Craft ISBN: 9781296553111 List Price: $22.95
Running a Thousand Miles for Freedom: Or, the Escape of William and Ellen Craft From Slavery... by Author, Unknown, Unknown Au... ISBN: 9781331798750 List Price: $9.57
Slave Narrative Six Pack 2 by Craft, William, Craft, Elle... ISBN: 9781515388401 List Price: $22.99
Running a Thousand Miles for Freedom : The American Negro - His History and Literature by Craft, William, Craft, Ellen ISBN: 9781512134179 List Price: $6.95
Running a Thousand Miles for Freedom: The American Negro His History and Literature by William Craft, Ellen Craft ISBN: 9781508440673 List Price: $7.95
5,000 Miles to Freedom : Ellen and William Craft's Flight from Slavery by Fradin, Judith, Fradin, Dennis ISBN: 9781426306228
Running A Thousand Miles For Freedom Or The Escape Of William And Ellen Craft From Slavery by Craft, William, Craft, Ellen ISBN: 9781162682730 List Price: $13.56
5,000 Miles To Freedom: Ellen And William Craft's Flight From Slavery by Judith Bloom Fradin and Den... ISBN: 9781459667136 List Price: $21.99
Viva Education: Paper Crafts by Evan Moore, Jo Ellen Moore ... ISBN: 9788176498159
Running a Thousand Miles for Freedom or the Escape of William and Ellen Craft from Slavery by Craft, William, Craft, Ellen ISBN: 9781161451382 List Price: $31.95
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